United States

United States

Ibis’s US-focused work documents the impact of abortion restrictions, coverage bans, and other reproductive health policies on individuals, communities, and health care providers. We also seek out and test innovative ways to improve  access to services and make them more responsive to people’s priorities.

Safe, affordable abortion care access

Safe, affordable abortion care access

Ibis seeks to ensure all people have the right and ability to access safe, affordable, quality abortion care by identifying and addressing evidence gaps; using research to advocate for improved, client-centered abortion care; and collaborating with partners to integrate abortion as a necessary part of reproductive health care.

Bold service-delivery & technology innovations

Bold service-delivery & technology innovations

Ibis seeks to expand access to comprehensive sexual and reproductive health information and services through a range of integrated strategies that center the lived experiences of individuals, highlight the importance of relevant and affordable strategies, and support people's autonomy and right to safety and high-quality services.