Where We Work

Where We Work

South Africa

We have a rich body of work on young people’s sexual and reproductive health that has included participatory research with young people and community members in urban and rural settings, trainings for health care providers, and the development of SRH curricula. We currently convene a national forum addressing teen pregnancy. We also conduct clinical research focused on improving abortion access and quality of care.

United States

Ibis’s US-focused work includes documentation of the impact of abortion restrictions and other reproductive health policies on individuals, communities, and health care providers and research on innovative ways to improve access to services and make services more people centered.

Latin America & the Caribbean

Our projects in the LAC region focus on generating new and leveraging existing evidence to change abortion policies at the national, local, and hospital/clinic levels; improving professional practices; eliminating stigma; and ensuring that people have access to quality services even in settings where abortion is highly legally restricted.

Africa region

Ibis’s work in the Africa region encompasses a wide range of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) issues, including abortion, contraception, and HIV/AIDS.


In addition to the work in our regions of focus, Ibis has also led projects in regions such as South and Southeast Asia.