Research Topics

Research Topics


Work to increase access to abortion is Ibis’s top priority. Our vision of abortion care is that it is affordable, accessible, safe, high quality, and responsive to women's priorities. ...


Our priority areas of work include coordination of the effort to move oral contraceptives over the counter in the United States, and targeted research to increase access to a wide range of contraceptive methods in family planning services and programs.

Linking Reproductive Health & HIV

Ibis aims to broaden integration by linking HIV services with the fuller range of sexual and reproductive health (SRH) services, including abortion, gender-based violence, and adolescent services, in order to meet both positive and negative women’s comprehensive SRH needs.

HIV/STI Prevention

Previously, HIV/sexually transmitted infection (STI) prevention was one of Ibis’s core research areas. Many of those research aims have since been folded into our work on linking HIV and sexual and reproductive health.

Other Areas

These projects and publications cut across our focus areas and/or intersect with other issues relevant to women’s and girls’ sexual and reproductive health.